When you're living paycheck to paycheck in your 20s, more focused on making rent and having money to spare for dinners out with friends and the pair of shoes you've been praying would make it to sale season, the concept of investing may not be top of mind (though it should be).
"It's important to enjoy life today and the experiences that come with being a young adult, but today's enjoyment should not come at the expense of tomorrow's financial stability," Kelly Lannan, Director of Young Investors at Fidelity Investments, explains. Looking back on her 20s, the finance pro certainly wishes she could go back and tell her younger self a few things about building wealth. "I wish I understood the power of investing and compounding when I was in my early 20s," she admits.
Lannan fell victim to one common pitfall young people often make when it comes to money, she chose to keep that small amount of cash in the bank account each month. "I didn't take advantage of those early years and how that money could have continued to compound and grow," she continues. With a bit of perspective and years of experience, Lannan is sharing how to build wealth in your 20s. If you're currently in the midst of this defining decade, take note of the finance expert's tips for growing your savings, starting today.
Vocab to Know
If you're new to this whole finance thing, don't sweat it. Here are the basic terms Lannan recommends you learn to get up to speed and hold your own when discussing the tricky topic.
Setting Goals
Once you've mastered the lingo, you can set your financial goals. Although goals will be unique to each person and their circumstances, there are three general goals that Lannan thinks most young people should strive for.
Basic Steps
Create some budgeting guidelines for yourself to help you keep track of your spending and saving. She explains that Fidelity recommends the 50/15/5 approach to budgeting. "On a monthly basis, 50% of your income should go to essential expenses (think shelter, utilities, cell phone, groceries); 15% should go to retirement savings; 5% should go to short-term savings (paying down debt, emergency fund, vacation)," Lannan says. With the remaining 30% of your money, you can do as you wish—that's right, you can buy the shoes. Of course, these are only guidelines and they may change depending on your location, salary, and expenses.
Dealing With Debt